Chiropractic Adjustments. The Part of Your Health Routine You're Neglecting!


Chiropractic Adjustments. The Part of Your Health Routine You're Neglecting!

Why regular visits to a chiropractor can unlock health benefits that you didn't even know you needed!

By Severen Henderson for Department3C

If you've been following me for a while, you know that I'm on a big health kick. I write and speak primarily on mental health and its importance. And a huge factor in getting a person's mental health on par is paying attention to your physical health. The two go hand in hand when it comes to overall wellness.

In this blog post, I will discuss another element of my health routine that I've mentioned before but didn't get into much detail. The health element that I'm talking about is chiropractic health care.

You are probably familiar with chiropractors and their adjustments to help relieve pain in the body. You may not know that chiropractic adjustments can also help improve your overall health! This article will discuss the many benefits of chiropractic adjustments and how they can help you live a healthier life.

You're probably thinking, "What? I can't make another appointment! I'm already behind on my workouts, and you want me to add another appointment to my calendar!" But hear me out; adding a chiropractor to your health routine is one of the most important things you can do for your overall well-being.

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Tim Skaggs for my podcast, and he gave me an adjustment that was out of this world!

Contrary to popular belief, chiropractors are not just for people with back pain. They can help improve your overall health by realigning your spine and correcting any misalignments that may be causing problems in other parts of your body.

From what I learned during the interview getting regular care from a chiropractor can help your body in so many ways that the list of benefits is almost endless!

Do you have migraines or headaches daily? A chiropractic adjustment might assist with this. Are you having digestive problems? A chiropractic adjustment can help with these issues as well. How about if you're trying to get pregnant and one or both of you are having reproductive difficulties? I learned something in the interview with Dr. Skaggs that I had no idea about. But he said he has patients that he has personally helped with all of these issues and more.

The Kankakee River is close by at Dr. Skaggs's chiropractic practice, located at 217 First St. in Wilmington, Illinois 60481. With local cafés and restaurants, the area has a genuine tiny-town atmosphere. There currently is no staff, and Dr. Skaggs works on an appointment-only basis. But he is so welcoming, and you feel like you're part of the family when you visit!

Before the adjustment began, I informed Dr. Skaggs about my prior chiropractic experiences. I had previously gone to a chiropractor closer to my home and went to one regularly when I lived in a different part of the city. While I was confident that each doctor would run their operation in their distinct way, I wanted him to understand that I was at least familiar with how adjustments go.

I was placed on a table that stands straight up and is lowered into position. Dr. Skaggs carried out a few operations to check the symmetry of my body while I was in the supine (lying on my back) posture. He could tell where my body was misplaced by looking at me, which astonished me!

As soon as he had completed his sight measurements, he began to adjust me. However, before he got to my muscles and joints, he adjusted my internal organs, starting with my heart. It was a unique sensation, but I could feel my organs shifting inside of me after completing the operation! That's for sure a feeling I'd never felt before!

Now that the organ adjusting was complete, it was time to move on to the joints! This procedure was done by touch and sight. He adjusted my neck while I remained supine. Then after each adjustment, he demonstrated how my body became more symmetrically balanced and how it should be.

Then it was on to my side to adjust my lumbar spine. After that, it was onto the prone (face down) position, where the rest of my spine was appropriately adjusted. Dr. Skaggs found a muscle along my spine that had been giving me trouble for a while and was quite challenging for the muscle to release. By the tone of this article, I'm sure you can guess what happened next. He got it to release in no time!

I was placed on a heating pad to soothe all the work done to end the session. I could already tell that I felt overall better in that short amount of time! Not that I came in feeling bad, nor did I have any pre-existing ailments. The trip was to catch up with a friend who's started a new business and offer my support. Creating podcast and blog content was supposed to be the bonus to the trip, but getting the adjustment was the real bonus!

Dr. Skaggs let me know that I may have some extra energy or, depending on what I had going on for the rest of the day, I might have the best sleep of my life! Both happened. My drive home was excellent, and I was full of energy. And once I did go to bed, I slept like a baby!

Getting all of the information on the body that I didn't know was a real treat. I'm always up for learning things new, and this experience was no different.

To summarize, if you feel that something is lacking from your fitness regimen, look for a chiropractor. The health advantages are well worth the time it takes to build it into your schedule.

At the very least, get a consultation. There's probably something you can discover that will improve your health somehow. And even if everything appears to be functioning perfectly, there may be room for improvement that you were unaware of.

As for Dr. Skaggs, while he does this work part-time, he states that his reason for doing this is that he genuinely likes helping people feel better. I would highly recommend getting an adjustment from Dr. Skaggs, especially if you live in the area! And even if you don't, it may be worth the drive! If you want to feel great and have a friendly chiropractor who knows what he's doing, look no further than Dr. Skaggs! He is an excellent doctor and a great guy. I know you will love him.

To check out the podcast episode, please tune in to Firecast, Hosted by Severen Henderson, where you can check out this episode and many more on various topics!

Severen Henderson is the Owner/Operator of Department3C. You can connect with him on most social media sites @iamsevy or  @deaprtment3c. Let's keep in contact, so please head over to our website to see what we are up to! For e-mail inquiries, contact us at
