Authenticity and You. How being your authentic self is always the best option.


Authenticity and You. How being your authentic self is always the best option. 

By Severen Henderson for Department3C

When it comes to being successful, it's always best to be yourself. Many try to be someone they're not to fit in or seem more impressive, but this almost always backfires. People can see right through falseness, and they will respect you more if you are genuine. Being authentic allows you to connect with others deeper and makes you happier because you aren't pretending to be someone you're not. Today's blog post discusses the power of authenticity and why it is so important in personal and professional relationships!

I'm an open book on my blog and social media. I try to be as authentic as possible because I feel it's important to represent myself accurately. If something makes me happy, I want to share that with people in the hopes that they can find joy in similar things too. On the flip side, if life isn't going well, I'll write about that too. Maybe someone out there is experiencing something similar, and reading about how I handle it will help them feel better or give them some ideas.

I don't mind sharing because of a few reasons.

I document and keep track of things going on to understand myself better. For example, if I am feeling extremely happy or sad, I will look back at what was happening around that time to see if there is a correlation. Was the weather nice? Did I visit with friends or family? Anything could be a reason for joy. The same goes for when I'm feeling down. What could have been the issue? What problem was going on that couldn't be solved that made me feel so down?

Social media is a lot like keeping a diary; for some people, their statuses are equivalent to documenting their life. Sometimes this is how I use it. I don't mind others knowing how I feel. I guess this would make me a heart-on-my-sleeve type of person. And again, I'm ok with that due to authenticity.

For some, social media is how they get to know other people, and sometimes they make real connections with someone. People have met one another through social media before, then went on to meet in person and connect that way. Used the right way, social media is a great tool that keeps friends, potential friends, and family connected globally.

I also don't mind sharing because being authentic allows me to connect more with people. It's difficult to form genuine relationships when you're not honest about who you are or what's going on in your life. People can tell when you're fake, which does not leave a good impression.

No one has a perfect life--we all have our struggles. But how you face these difficult times speaks volumes about your character. A positive attitude goes a long way in dealing with negative situations and affecting the outcome of those woes.

When interacting with someone, whether online or in person, I try to be as honest and down-to-earth as possible. That way, they can get an accurate sense of who I am and understand that my intentions are pure. This goes for both personal and business relationships. Being genuine with everyone you meet is essential because it can open up new opportunities, which is especially helpful if you're job hunting or starting a business.

Some individuals hesitate to share certain aspects of their life with others for fear that it will reflect poorly on them, which is entirely understandable. However, this mindset is different from the one I agree with. While there is such a thing as oversharing, and we all have heard of the acronym TMI (too much information). Everyone can benefit from being more authentic because it expresses who you are. It shouldn't make you vulnerable or a target but rather attractive when you dwell in your honesty.

"When keeping it real goes wrong" is a popular idiom for when someone's honesty backfires. Many people have heard stories of co-workers getting in trouble for things they post on social media, and sometimes those individuals deserve to be punished. Unfortunately, many people need to understand the difference between freedom of speech and saying things that are inappropriate and unprofessional. Just because it comes to your mind doesn't mean it needs to be said or posted.

When someone is presenting negative talk or hater statements towards another person, it's not necessary in most cases. Too often, people treat disagreements with hate speech. That being said, feel free to voice your opinions but don't let it become a personal attack.

We all have our differences, and that's what makes us unique. It also helps to build relationships between people from different backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. It can be difficult sometimes to be yourself in specific environments, but in the end, it's always better to be authentic. It takes courage, but it pays off in the long run! After all, being true to yourself is the best option. So stay positive and keep it real! But not too real! I'll make this the last frequently used or cliche phrase for this blog post... "Keep everything in moderation, even moderation."

To be true to yourself is, to be honest. It takes strength and courage, but in the long run, it's worth it. Being genuine with those around you will lead to better friendships and more successful business relationships. And don't forget that being authentic can also help others who may be going through similar situations. Authenticity has immense power and can help you go far in life. You don't have to pretend to be someone else--just be yourself and showcase all your strengths and weaknesses. People will respect you more for being honest.

Severen Henderson is the Owner/Operator of Department3C. You can connect with him on most social media sites: @iamsevy Or for business-related topics: @deaprtment3c. We want to keep in contact! So please head to our website to see what we are up to! For e-mail inquiries, contact us at
